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Keep Your Roof On When The Winter Weather Hits Hard!

If you are living in the beautiful village of Fox Point, Wisconsin, USA you are one of the lucky 7,000 people who enjoy a quiet lifestyle along the shores of Lake Michigan’s scenic Whitefish Bay. The tree-lined lanes and wooded areas are home to a wide variety of wildlife, and if you are a sportsman the fishing is excellent, with plenty of walleye and brown trout to fry up at the end of a day out on the water. The summers are pleasant, but Fox Point also has another face, and like all Wisconsinites you know winter is coming, and it’s not to be trifled with! 

Wisconsin winters are infamously brutal, the icy winds whip in across Lake Michigan with an Arctic fury. The sad story of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald haunts the lake, and notably the doomed freighter went down near Whitefish Bay with all hands lost! Despite all of this the locals love their homes, but sometimes the wild weather threatens their safety, and every year there are reports of roofs being blown off in the gale-force winds! Fortunately, there is help at hand, the local Fox Point roofing contractors know the area’s weather well and what to do to help your home get back undercover fast! Hopefully, you won’t need to summon them for such an emergency, but they are there when you need them!

In order to prevent your roof from blowing away in the storm, here are a few tips from roofing professionals to help you get through the winter nice and dry!

Rain and Water Damage – Seasonal heavy rains often lead to leaks which can cause major damage to your home’s structure and interior. It’s essential to make sure that your roof is properly sealed and no weak spots are evident. 

Snow and Ice Damage – The shores of the Great Lakes are guaranteed to get a load of snow, so be ready for it! The snow’s weight can put a lot of strain on your roof, and the formation of ice dams prevents proper drainage. It’s critical to keep your roof clear of heavy snow accumulations. Proper insulation and ventilation prevent the formation of ice dams. If your home starts to resemble an igloo, you know who to call!

Wind Damage – The wind off Lake Michigan can sink large ships, so imagine what it can do to your home! Powerful winds can lift roofing materials and blow them away if your roof isn’t in tip top shape!

Have your trusted local Fox Point roofer do an inspection before the weather goes south with the geese!

Jason Holder

My name is Jason Holder and I am the owner of Mini School. I am 26 years old. I live in USA. I am currently completing my studies at Texas University. On this website of mine, you will always find value-based content.

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