BGMI/Pubg 60fps Config Download || Unlock 60fps in BGMI/Pubg

Hello Bgmi Lover, In this article we are going to see, How can you enable Extreme options in Battlegrounds Mobile India or PUBG Mobile with the help of gfx tools. Also, you can say Best gfx settings for bgmi or pubg Mobile.

Unlock 60 FPS option in BGMI 1.8

To enable 60 fps option in the graphics settings on your mobile phone manually you have to follow the below steps.

If your mobile phone supports the 60 to above Hz refresh rate, then enabling the 60 fps mode on the game will help you in the combat. Here is how you can enable 60 Fps manually.

First of all, you will need a config file that can help you to enable the 60 fps option in the game setting.

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BGMI/Pubg 60 fps Config File Download

The size of BGMI is increasing with every new update. This is a problem that a lot of gamers are facing and this is why it is so important to download BGMI 60 and 90 fps Config File. It will enable you to play games at higher frame rates and improve your overall gaming experience.

However, you will have to tweak your device a bit in order to get the best results from a game. The first thing you need to do is to navigate to the Graphics tab and set the graphics to Smooth HD. In the Frame Rates tab, choose Extreme and save your changes. This will allow you to experience nine FPS and other high-quality frames. You must remember that you can only select the extreme option if you are using a low-end device.



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Steps to apply BGMI config file

Download Config file from the download button at the end of article and download Zarchiver from playstore. Extract the file and open it. You will see 3 folders ( 1.Active.sav 2.Blur 3.Config).


  1. First open Active.sav folder and select suitable fps file for your device. Copy the file then go to Android/data/com.pubg.imobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/ SaveGames . and paste it here.
  2. Second open Blur folder and select suitable file for your device ( Note- use this file only if you have a very low end device with 2gb or 3gb ram ). Copy the file then go to Android/data/com.pubg.imobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/ Config/Android And paste it here
  3. Now open Config Folder and select suitable resolution file for your device. Copy the resolution file then go to Android/data/com.pubg.imobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/ Config/Android and paste resolution file here

Now you can play BGMI/Pubg in 60fps. Here you will updated with BGMI/Pubg new version config file.



Jason Holder

My name is Jason Holder and I am the owner of Mini School. I am 26 years old. I live in USA. I am currently completing my studies at Texas University. On this website of mine, you will always find value-based content.

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